About Us

Our Company

Company History

Founded in 2015 by Charles Anderson and a dynamic team of partners, our company, SooBali™️, has continually expanded and evolved. Our evolution can be traced back to the strategic establishment of our architectural firm, Arkana Architects, and construction company, Nata Konstruksi. Each of these entities was thoughtfully created to complement and enhance the capabilities of the others.

At the heart of SooBali™️’s formation was a compelling mission: to streamline the process of designing, building, and managing properties, specifically in the luxury villa sector. We envisioned a holistic approach where all aspects of property development and management could be handled in-house, thereby delivering superior quality and seamless integration.

From inception to the present day, SooBali™️ stands as a testament to this mission, with each of our businesses synergizing to create a full-service development and management company. This approach has enabled us to deliver exceptional value and maintain the high standards we set for ourselves and our clients. Our history is not just a chronicle of our growth; it is a testament to our enduring commitment to our founding principles and dedication to our clients’ needs.

Legal Information

Company Logo

Bank Account

Bank Central Asia (BCA)
Account number: 146 588 2222
Account name : SooBali Cahaya Gemilang, PT
Address: Jl. Sunset Road No.88B, Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361
Swift code : CENAIDJA
Branch Code: 014-1930

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